摘 要:本文针对某电厂发电机转子发生的一点接地故障,对转子接地故障过程进行了介绍,并通过整个故障过程中的相关数据对接地故障进行了分析,经分析判断,故障当时确应有转子回路金属性接地,通过一步步排查确定了故障点在转子内部。抽出转子后,又通过内窥镜等非电量法及电压分布法和两极电压法等方法确定了故障位置。其中,简便判断方法和解决方案对同类型故障处理有一定的借鉴意义。
中图分类号:TM312 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)04-0043-04
Finding and Cause Analysis of Grounding Fault of 660MW Turbogenerator Rotor
ZHANG Xingbin
(North China Electric Power Test and Research Institute,China Datang Corporation Science and Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd.,Beijing 100040,China)
Abstract:In this paper,a point-to-point fault earthing of generator rotor in a power plant is discussed,the process of rotor grounding fault is introduced,and the grounding fault is analyzed through the relevant data of the whole fault process. It is judged that the fault should have metal grounding in the rotor circuit at that time,and the fault point is determined in the rotor through step-by-step investigation. After extracting the rotor,the fault location is determined by non-electric quantity method such as endoscope,voltage distribution method and bipolar voltage method. The simple judgment method and solution can be used for reference in the same type of fault treatment.
Keywords:generator;rotor grounding;fault point finding;cause analysis
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