摘 要:针对火电机组的主蒸汽压力控制对象存在大惯性、大延迟且模型不确定的特点,可以将模糊控制与传统PID 控制相结合,构成一种基于模糊控制的锅炉主控调节方法,通过现场实际应用,该控制方法对大惯性、大延迟且模型不确定的控制对象有很好的控制效果。
关键词:模糊控制;PID 控制;锅炉主控
中图分类号:TP273.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)04-0050-02
Main Control Adjustment Method of Boiler Based on Fuzzy Control
GUO Shikai1,LI Fei2
(1.Inner Mongolia Jinghai Coal Gangue Power Generation Co.,Ltd.,Wuhai 016000,China;
2.Wuhai Vocational and Technical School,Wuhai 016000,China)
Abstract:According to the characteristics of large inertia,large delay and uncertain model,the fuzzy control and traditional PID control are combined to form a boiler main control regulation method based on fuzzy control. The control method has a good control effect on the control objects with large inertia,large delay and uncertain model.
Keywords:fuzzy control;PID control;boiler master control
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