摘 要:随着科学技术的不断发展与进步,无人机低空航测技术得到了广泛应用,并凭借影像获取速度快、分辨率高等优势在城镇规划与建设中发挥着重要作用。鉴于此,本文将探究无人机低空航测在城镇规划中的应用方法,旨在为一线工作提供理论指导。
中图分类号:P217;P231 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)04-0054-02
Application of UAV Low Altitude Aerial Survey in Urban Planning
LI Wenjie
(Hebei No.3 Surveying and Mapping Institute,Shijiazhuang 050031,China)
Abstract:With the continuous progress and development of science and technology,UAV(unmanned aerial vehicle) lowaltitude aerial survey technology has been widely used,it plays an important role in urban planning and construction with the advantages of fast image acquisition and high resolution. In view of this,this paper will explore the application of UAV low-altitude aerial survey in urban planning,in order to provide theoretical guidance for the front-line work.
Keywords:unmanned aerial vehicle;low altitude aerial survey;urban planning
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