摘 要:在这个信息时代里,社会中的个人、组织甚至社会本身都越来越依赖先进的计算机。信息科技的革命正慢慢改变我们工作还有学习的场所和方式。互联网的确是有许多益处,但另一方面不可否认的是,它也产生了很多跟传统社会大不相同的,甚至是难以用规范的伦理与社会秩序来解释的问题。当前我们所能看到的有关计算机网络伦理的讨论大部分集中在科技与法律层面,虽然这样的研究方式看起来似乎是最有效的,但是科技的发展却是日新月异,会产生一些传统的方式方法难以解决的问题。因此,我们不能将信息科技的革命简单的作为技术问题或者法律问题来看待,本文将探讨信息时代下网络社会的伦理问题及其社会结构。
中图分类号:D90-05;C912.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)04-0194-03
Internet Ethics and Social Order in the Information Age
ZHANG Sichuan
(Graduate School of the Central Party School of the Communist Party of China,Beijing 100091,China)
Abstract:In this information age,individuals,organizations,and even society in society are increasingly dependent on advanced computers. The revolution in information technology is gradually changing the way we work and the way we learn. The internet does have many benefits,but it is undeniable that it also produces a lot of problems that are very different from traditional society,even difficult to explain with normative ethics and social order. And most of the discussions about internet ethics that we can see today focus on the level of technology and law,and such research seems to be the most effective. However,the development of science and technology is changing with each passing day,and there will be problems that are difficult to solve by traditional methods. Therefore,we cannot regard the revolution of information technology as a technical or legal issue. This article will explore the ethical issues of the Internet society and its social structure in the information age.
Keywords:internet;informatization;network society;social order
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