摘 要:信息时代的到来对校园机房数据中心的建设产生了重要的影响,结合校园机房数据中心的实际工作要求和发展趋势,应该针对新时代的影响制定更为完善的建设和管理方法,为校园机房数据中心建设工作的优化创新提供良好的支持。本文在简要分析校园机房数据中心主要职能的基础上,对建设和管理方法进行了适当的探究,希望能够进一步推动校园机房数据中心建设和管理水平的提升。
中图分类号:TP393.18 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)05-0192-03
New Exploration on the Construction and Management Method of Campus Computer Room Data Center in the New Era
(Nanjing Polytechnic Institute,Nanjing 210048,China)
Abstract:The arrival of the information age has an important impact on the construction of campus computer room data center. Considering the actual work requirements and development trends of campus computer room data center,we should formulate more perfect construction and management methods for the impact of the new era,and provide good support for the optimization and innovation of the construction of campus computer room data center. Based on a brief analysis of the main functions of the campus computer room data center,this paper explores the construction and management methods,hoping to further promote the construction and management level of the campus computer room data center.
Keywords:campus computer room data center;computer room management;data security
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作者简介:丁勇(1980.12-),男,汉族,江苏南京人,硕士, 工程师,研究方向:软件工程。