摘 要:在高校教育领域中,公共实验室是高校重要的教学资源。在实际的高校教学过程中,公共实验室不仅承担着高校 的实验课以及各种课程设计等教学内容,在一些等级资格证书的考试和相关科研活动中也发挥着重要的作用,而且也是提供多种 社会技术服务的场所。随着社会经济和计算机技术的快速发展,为了应对教学环境的改变,提高教学的水平,各大高校都建立了相关的实验室,为师生学习提供应有的教学资源。实际上,在多数高校中,计算机公共实验室的建立都是以PC 机为基础的,对于实验室的管理和维护,管理人员就会面临许多的问题,云计算技术的出现,使得使用桌面云技术来解决实验室管理上的一些问题成为研究的重点,目的也在于减少计算机实验室建设和管理的复杂性,提高教学资源的使用效率。
中图分类号:TP308 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)07-0182-03
Research on Management of University Public Laboratory Based on Desktop Cloud
(Educational Technology Center of Huizhou University,Huizhou 516007,China)
Abstract:Public laboratory of colleges and universities as an important part of the teaching resources of colleges and universities, the colleges and universities not only bear the itself of the experiment,curriculum design,graduation design,the level exam and extracurricular scientific research activities,but also provide a wide range of social services. Along with the social economy and the rapid development of computer technology,in order to cope with the change of teaching environment,improve the teaching level,various universities have established the related laboratory,proper teaching resources for teachers and students learn. Actually in most colleges and universities,the establishment of the public computer lab is based on PC,for laboratory management and maintenance management will be faced with many problems,the emergence of cloud computing technology,make use desktop cloud technology to solve some problems on the laboratory management become the research focus,the purpose is to reduce the complexity of computer laboratory construction and management,improve the efficiency of the use of teaching resources.
Keywords:desktop cloud;computer laboratory;laboratory management
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作者简介:陈泽恩(1976.10-),男,汉族,广东惠东人, 高级实验师,电子科技大学硕士,主要研究方向:计算机软件技术、 教育技术、实验室管理。