摘 要:本文基于项目风险管理理论,结合徐州市住房公积金信息系统实际展开对该升级项目风险管理的探究。首先进行了风险识别,并利用层次分析法从需求、设计、集成和测试、管理过程等几个方面展开了风险定量分析。最后根据风险分析得出的结果,针对徐州市住房公积金信息系统升级项目提出了针对性的风险应对措施。
中图分类号:TP391.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)07-0192-03
Research on Risk Management of Upgrading Project of Provident Fund Business System Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process
(Xuzhou Housing Provident Fund Management Center,Xuzhou 221006,China)
Abstract:Based on the theory of project risk management, this paper explores the risk management of the upgrading project in combination with the actual situation of Xuzhou Housing Provident Fund Information System. Firstly,risk identification is carried out, and quantitative risk analysis is carried out from the aspects of demand,design,integration and testing,and management process by using analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Finally,according to the results of risk analysis,the paper puts forward the corresponding risk response measures for the upgrading project of Xuzhou Housing Provident Fund Information System.
Keywords:provident fund;information system;risk management;analytic hierarchy process
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作者简介:龙璨(1990.10-),女,汉族,江苏徐州人,网 络管理员,助理工程师,本科,研究方向:信息系统维护和网络基 础管理。