摘 要:在大数据环境下,读者对数据服务的需求日益迫切,为了满足读者对数据服务的迫切需求,不少高校图书馆开始考虑设置数据馆员岗位,本文首先简要介绍了数据馆员的概念和职能定位,然后结合国外高校图书馆数据馆员建设情况和取得的成功经验,分析了我国高校图书馆建设数据馆员的重要意义和存在的不利因素,最后给出了我国高校图书馆建设数据馆员的具体措施。
中图分类号:G258.6;G251.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)10-0185-03
Research on the Construction of Data Librarians in University Libraries under the
Big Data Environment
GENG Qilin
(Air Force Engineering University Aviation Maintenance Officer School,Xinyang 464000,China)
Abstract:In the big data environment,the demand of readers for data services is becoming more and more urgent. In order to meet the urgent demand of readers for data services,many university libraries begin to consider setting up data librarian posts. This paper first briefly introduces the concept and function orientation of data librarians,and then,combining with the construction situation and successful experience of foreign university libraries,it analyses the data librarians. The significance and disadvantageous factors of the construction of data librarians in university libraries of our country are discussed. The concrete measures of the construction of data librarians in university libraries of our country are given.
Keywords:big data ;university library;data librarian;data services
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