
(湖南工学院 电气与信息工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421002)

摘  要:本文针对工程教育理论全新视角下的新工科专业建设现状,分析了当前普通高校工程教学存在的问题,以CDIO工程教育理念为指导探索电气信息类专业工程教育模式的改革,通过产教融合,以“卓越工程师教育培养”为主线,建设校企合作实践教学平台,构建基于“学习产出”的工程实践教学体系,“新工科”建设对现有工程教育培养模式改革提出了新的方向,为培养工程技术人才提供有益的经验。


中图分类号:G642.0         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)13-0188-03

Research and Reform of Engineering Education for Electronic Information SpecialtyFacing the Construction of New Subjects

LI Zulin,YAO Shengxing,WANG Yonggang,DONG Haibing,HONG Jun

(School of Electrical Information Engineering,Hunan Institute of Technology,Hengyang 421002,China)

Abstract:In view of the current situation of the construction of new discipline specialty from the new perspective of engineering education theory,this paper analyses the existing problems in engineering teaching in colleges and universities,explores the reform of engineering education mode of electrical information specialty under the guidance of CDIO engineering education concept,builds a practical teaching platform of school-enterprise cooperation based on “learning production” through the integration of industry and education,and takes “education and training of outstanding engineers”as the main line. The construction of “new subject” has put forward a new direction for the reform of the existing engineering education training mode,and provided beneficial experience for the training of existing engineering and technical.

Keywords:new subject construction;outstanding engineer;engineering education concept;output orientation;integration of industry and education

基金项目:本文系湖南省普通高校教学改革研究项目(项目编号:湘教通[2017]452号);教育科学“十三五”规划2016 年度课题(项目编号:XJK016BGD017)资助。


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