
(盐城市特殊教育中等专业学校,江苏 盐城 224002)

摘  要:如何提升特教生计算机专业课的有效教学,一直是特教教师研究的课题。教与学如何产生和谐的共振效果,让特教生真正学到实用的操作技能,是特教计算机专业课教师研究的重点。本文从特教生计算机专业课教学现状调查入手,对特教生学习计算机专业课的规律与特点、计算机专业课有效教学的内涵与特征进行了分析,并对不同类型特教生计算机专业课有效教学的策略进行了研究。


中图分类号:G712;TP3-4         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)17-0194-03

Strategic Research on Effective Teaching of Computer Majors in Special Education Students

HAN Guiming

(Yancheng Special Education Secondary Specialized School,Yancheng 224002,China)

Abstract:How to improve the effective teaching of computer courses for special education students has always been the subject of special education teachers’research. How to produce a harmonious resonance effect between teaching and learning,so that special education students can really learn practical operating skills,is the focus of special education computer teachers’research. Starting from the investigation of the current teaching situation of computer specialty courses for special education students,this paper analyses the rules and characteristics of computer specialty courses for special education students,the connotation and characteristics of effective teaching of computer specialty courses,and studies the effective teaching strategies of computer specialty courses for different types of special education students.

Keywords:special education students;computer major courses;effective teaching

课题项目:2016 年江苏省盐城市教科院立项课题: 特教生计算机专业课有效教学的策略研究(项目编号:2016-L-159)。


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