
(中共长沙市委党校 公共管理教研部,湖南 长沙 410004)

摘  要:国内学者关于城市公共安全治理以及大数据技术在城市公共安全治理中的应用研究日趋成熟,也取得了显著的成果,尤其是国内学者的研究已经初具规模。当然,经过客观的分析,国内学者的研究也存在着的一定的不足。譬如:大数据技术在城市公共安全治理的应用研究在一定程度上来说,还是比较匮乏,研究成果较少。从研究方法来看,依然是经验介绍多、定性阐述多,而实证研究少。整体来看,尤其缺少大数据技术在某一城市公共安全治理实践中的实证研究,以长沙为个案的研究,更是少之又少,在这一领域的研究亟需加强,并且要将理论与实践结合在一起进行研究。本文对基于大数据的城市公共安全治理创新路径进行了深入的研究。


中图分类号:D63;TP311.13         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)18-0190-03

Analysis of Urban Public Security Governance Path Based on Big Data

REN Yiping

(Ministry of Public Administration Teaching and Research of CPC Changsha Party School,Changsha 410004,China)

Abstract:Domestic scholars’research on urban public security governance and the application of big data technology in urban public security governance is becoming more and more mature,and has made remarkable achievements,especially domestic scholars’research has begun to take shape. Of course,there are some deficiencies in the objective analysis of domestic scholars’research. For example,the application research of big data technology in urban public security governance is still relatively scarce to some extent,and the research results are not many. From the point of view of research method,it is still more experience introduction, more qualitative elaboration and less empirical research. On the whole,there is a lack of empirical research on big data technology in a city’s public security governance, especially the case study of Changsha,and even less. In this field,it is urgent to strengthen and combine theory with practice. Deeply study the innovation path of urban public security governance based on big data.

Keywords:big data;public governance;city safety;security governance


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