摘 要:教育是国家发展大计,教育扶贫是脱贫之根本,所以精准扶贫的根本在于教育扶贫。教育扶贫要做到精准,脱离粗放型模式,获取良好的效果,就需要做到定点、定位的持续性跟踪,才能达到教育精准扶贫的效果。因此掌握教育精准扶贫的情况离不开大数据平台与互联网,更需要借助发达的信息技术才能建立完善的教育精准扶贫机制。
中图分类号:G434 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)18-0195-03
Research on Aiming Mechanism and Policy Efficiency of Precision Poverty Alleviation in Education under Information Technology Environment
——Take Gansu Minority Areas as an Example
(College of Science,Technology and Agriculture,Gansu Radio and Television University,Lanzhou 730030,China)
Abstract:Education is a major national development plan,and poverty alleviation through education is the foundation of poverty alleviation,so the essence of precise poverty alleviation is poverty alleviation through education. In order to achieve precise poverty alleviation through education,get rid of extensive model and achieve good results,it is necessary to keep track of fixed-point and positioning so as to grasp the effect of precise poverty alleviation through education. Therefore,mastering the situation of precise poverty alleviation in education can not be separated from the big data platform and the Internet,but also need the help of developed information technology in order to establish a sound mechanism of precise poverty alleviation in education.
Keywords:information technology;precise poverty alleviation;education poverty alleviation
基金项目:本文系2016 年度甘肃省社科规划项目:信息技术环境下甘肃民族地区教育精准扶贫的瞄准机制与施政策略研究(项目编号:YB153)的研究成果。
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