
智能手机社交APP 的使用与初中生人际关系的 关系研究
(广州市第九十七中学,广东 广州 510260)

摘  要:人际关系的质量对青少年的社会技能、自我意识、学业成就和心理健康有着重要的影响。本研究将调查中学生对智能手机社交APP 的使用状况,同时探讨社交APP 的使用与中学生人际关系的相关性,为互联网时代中学生人际关系提供依据。研究结果发现:初中生社交APP 的使用类型中,QQ 和微信是主体。社交APP 的联系人主要是同学、朋友和亲人,但陌生人也占据比较大的比例。智能手机社交APP 的使用时长与交流、交际方面的困扰相关。自我表露是人际交往的技巧,适度的自我表露可以降低人际关系的困扰程度。


中图分类号:G206.2;TP311.56         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)20-0189-03

Research on the Relationship Between the Use of Social APP on Smart Phones and the Interpersonal Relationship of Junior High School Students

KUANG Qiaojiao

(Guangzhou No.97 Middle School,Guangzhou 510260,China)

Abstract:The quality of interpersonal relationship has an important influence on adolescents’social skills,self-awareness,academic achievement and mental health. This study will investigate the use of smart phone social APP among middle school students,and explore the relationship between social APP use and interpersonal relationship of middle school students,so as to provide a basis for interpersonal relationship of middle school students in the internet era. The results show that QQ and WeChat are the main types of social APP used by junior high school students. Social APP contacts are mainly classmates,friends and relatives,but strangers also account for a large proportion. The duration of using social APP on smart phones is related to communication and communication problems. Selfdisclosure is a skill of interpersonal communication,and moderate self-disclosure can reduce the degree of interpersonal distress.

Keywords:smart phone;social APP;interpersonal relationship


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