
(南京机电职业技术学院 机械工程系,江苏 南京 211135)

摘  要:本文阐述了协同育人理念的机械制造专业群的建设背景及内涵,并详细阐述共建“双化”型实践教学基地、构建“平台课程 + 岗位方向”的专业群课程体系、打造“蓝岛创客空间”、实施“四维”综合评价等方面的建设举措,加强校企“全程合作、深度融合”,践行“工学结合、校企共育”的人才培养模式。在全面提高人才培养质量方面,取得了显著成效。


中图分类号:G712         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)21-0192-03

Construction of Mechanical Manufacturing Specialized Field Group Based on the Concept of Collaborative Education


(Department of Mechanical Engineering,Nanjing Institute of Mechatronic Technology,Nanjing 211135,China)

Abstract:This paper expounds the background and connotation of the construction of the mechanical manufacturing professional group based on the concept of collaborative education,and expounds in detail the construction of the “double-type” practical teaching base,the construction of the professional group curriculum system of “platform courses plus post orientation”,and the construction of “Blue Island”. Carry out the construction measures of “four-dimensional” comprehensive evaluation,strengthen the “whole process cooperation and deep integration” between school and enterprise,and practice the talent training mode of “combination of work and learning,and joint education between school and enterprise”. Remarkable achievements have been made in improving the quality of personnel training in an all-round way..

Keywords:numerical control practice;mechanical manufacturing;professional group construction;intelligent manufacturing


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