
(江汉大学 物理与信息工程学院,湖北 武汉 430056)

摘  要:2018 年4 月,教育部制定了《高等学校人工智能创新行动计划》,指出高等学校要进一步强化基础研究、学科发展和人才培养方面的优势,完善人工智能领域人才培养体系。发展人工智能是我国战略发展的需要,培养人工智能人才是国家社会与经济发展的迫切需要,是企业对于人才的需要。本文阐述了江汉大学申报人工智能专业的必要性和已经具备的条件,从培养应用型人才的角度出发,介绍了产教融合,校企合作建立人才培养基地,改进人才培养模式,建设核心课程,建立完善的持续改进机制的方法和特点。


中图分类号:G712;G647         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)22-0183-04

Exploration on the Cultivation Mode of Industry and Education Combined with Artificial Intelligence

HOU Qun,QI Weimin

(School of Physics and Information Engineering,Jianghan University,Wuhan 430056,China)

Abstract:In April 2018,the ministry of education formulated the Artificial Intelligence Innovation Action Plan for Colleges and Universities,pointing out that faced with the opportunities of the development of the new generation of artificial intelligence,colleges and universities should further strengthen their advan tages in basic research,discipline development and talent cultivation,and improve the talent cultivation system in the field of artif icial intelligence. The development of artificial intelligence is the need of China’s strategic development,and the cultivation of artificial intelligence talents is the urgent need of the country’s social and economic development,as well as the need of enterprises in short supply of talents. This paper expounds the necessity and existing conditions of applying artificial intelligence major in Jianghan University,and from the perspective of cultivating applied talents,introduces the methods and characteristics of integrating industry and education,establishing talent cultivation base through school-enterprise cooperation,improving talent cultivation mode,constructing core courses and establishing perfect continuous improvement mechanism.

Keywords:artificial intelligence;talent training;curriculum system;training mode

基金项目:本文系江汉大学湖北省重点学科(管理科学与工程)2018 年度开放性课题(项目编号:ZDXK2018YB10);武汉市教育局2019年教学研究项目:通信原理虚拟仿真实验教学应用研究(项目编号:2019012)资助。


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