
以OBE 为导向的混合式学习模式人才培养 探索与研究 ——以计算机网络技术专业为例
(江西工业职业技术学院,江西 南昌 330039)

摘  要:在互联网技术高速发展的今天,对网络技术人才的需求与日俱增。各工科类高职院校都开设了相应的计算机网络专业,此专业开设的目的就是培养掌握网络技术原理、运维及网络设备调试技术的复合型人才。但是以传统教学思维设计的计算机网络技术专业课程教学效果往往与社会用人单位的需求背道而驰。本文试以社会人才需求为方向,融合当今流行的OBE 教学理念,以混合学习为教学模式,探索新形势下,高职院校计算机网络专业课程教学改革的新思路。


中图分类号:G642;TP393-4         文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)23-0191-03

Exploration and Research on Talent Cultivation of OBE Oriented Hybrid Learning Mode

——Take Computer Network Technology as an Example

WANG Haiyan

(Jiangxi Industry Polytechnic College,Nanchang 330039,China)

Abstract:With the rapid development of internet technology,the demand for network technology talents is increasing day by day.The corresponding computer network specialty has been set up in all engineering higher vocational colleges. The purpose of this specialty is to cultivate the compound talents who master the principle of network technology,operation and maintenance,and network equipment debugging. However,the teaching effect of computer network technology course designed with traditional teaching thinking often goes against the needs of social employers. This paper tries to take the social talent demand as the direction,integrate the current popular OBE teaching concept,take the blended learning as the teaching mode,and explore the new thinking of the teaching reform of computer network specialty in higher vocational colleges under the new situation.

Keywords:OBE;ability oriented education;mixed learning mode;computer network technology


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[2] 张景波,张云琦. 运用OBE 模式在计算机专业实践教学中的研究 [J]. 电脑知识与技术,2019,15(23):175-176.
