
(东华大学 旭日工商管理学院,上海 200051)

摘  要:文章考虑新零售众包物流服务的预计送达时间对客户需求和社会配送骑手接单意愿的影响,建立基于时效和接单意愿的激励机制模型。分别讨论时效、订单需求对激励策略的影响。研究表明,合适的激励措施可以刺激社会配送骑手的持续参与,配送人员供需平衡条件下的激励策略能够在较大的激励系数和较小的服务定价下达到更大的平台收益,且存在最优的激励系数和服务定价使平台收益最大化。


中图分类号:TP311.5         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)02-0180-04

Incentive Strategy of Crowdsourcing Logistics Based on Order Willingness under Time-sensitive

MAO Yujie,WANG Xiaofeng,WANG Baomei

(Glorious Sun School of Business and Management,Donghua University,Shanghai 200051,China)

Abstract:In the new retail mode,the estimated delivery time of crowdsourcing logistics (CSL) is sensitive to customer and rider. An incentive model considering time-sensitive and order willingness is constructed. This paper discusses the impact of timeliness and order requirements on incentive strategies. Studies have shown that appropriate incentives can stimulate the continued participation of social distribution riders. The incentive strategy under the balance of supply and demand of distribution personnel can achieve greater platform benefits under the larger incentive coefficient and smaller service pricing,and there are optimal incentive coefficient and service pricing to maximize the platform revenue.

Keywords:crowdsourcing logistics(CSL);estimated delivery time;willingness to take orders


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