摘 要:智慧,是人所具有的高级能力;知识,是人的智慧在认识和改造世界的过程中所存留下来的认知成果。人类社会发展到现在的互联网智能社会,对于知识的源泉图书馆来说,智慧图书馆的出现也是人类文明发展中不可缺少的部分。智慧图书馆是二者结合的体现,它应该为满足社会需求和解决社会问题而存在,为引领智慧型的人类社会做出贡献。
中图分类号:G250.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)02-0191-03
Research on the Social Construction of Intelligent Library
CHEN Qikang
(Suzhou Vocational University Library,Suzhou 215008,China)
Abstract:Wisdom is the advanced ability of human being,and knowledge is the cognitive achievement left by human wisdom in the process of understanding and transforming the world. In the development of human society to the present internet intelligent society,as the source of knowledge,the emergence of intelligent library is also an indispensable part of the development of human civilization.Intelligent library is the embodiment of the combination of the two. It should exist to meet social needs and solve social problems,and make contributions to leading the intelligent human society.
Keywords:intelligent library;intelligent society;intellectualization
基金项目:苏州市职业大学2019 年校级科研项目(SVU2019CX07)
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