
​档案管理推动科技创新措施研究 ——以高水平的信息化科研为动力
(中国科学院紫金山天文台,江苏 南京 210033)

摘  要:天文学科研档案具有一定的科研价值和收藏价值,它的规模和质量反映和记录了不同时期天文学的科学研究水平,是以后从事天文学研究的重要宝贵参考资料。新形势下国家十分注重天文学科研课题的申报工作,要求相关课题必须做好自身的档案收集整理,所有有保存价值的资料都应该纳入课题归档范围,以便推动科技创新进步。文章就天文学科研课题的档案管理中存在的问题以及信息化背景下的档案开发利用进行了分析论述,希望能够为推动相关的科技创新做出贡献。


中图分类号:G275.3;G271         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)03-0180-03


Research on Measures of Promoting Scientific and Technological Innovation by Archives Management

——Driven by High-level Information Research

JIANG Liping,YANG Zherui,GAO Na,LIU Liang

(Purple Mountain Observatory,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Nanjing 210033,China)

Abstract:The archives of astronomical scientific research have certain scientific research value and collection value. Their scale and quality reflect and record the scientific research level of astronomy in different periods. They are important and valuable reference materials for later research in astronomy. Under the new situation,the state attaches great importance to the declaration of astronomical scientific research projects,and requires relevant projects to do well in their own archives collection and arrangement. In order to promote the progress of scientific and technological innovation,all valuable materials should be included in the project archive. This paper discusses the problems existing in the archives management of astronomical scientific research and the development and utilization of Archives under the background of informatization,hoping to contribute to the promotion of relevant scientific and technological innovation.

Keywords:information construction;astronomy;scientific research archives;archives management


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[2] 丁海斌 . 我国天文气象档案的起源 [J]. 辽宁档案,1992(8):30-31.
