摘 要:当下电子政务在我国已不完全是政府职能部门全面应用现代信息技术、网络技术以及办公自动化技术等进行办公、管理和为社会提供公共服务的管理模式,而逐渐成为了其整合政府与社会、企业,提升竞争力的一个重要手段和以信息化带动工业化战略的重要杠杆。同时,政府各职能部门的管理创新又为电子政务的发展指明了方向,提供了保障。通过政务信息的共享让更多的人间接参与政府事务管理,从而向社会提供职能更新、组织优化和规范透明的管理与服务,健全行政管理模式,改善公共服务质量。
中图分类号:D630 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)01-0194-03
The Application of E-government in the Reform of Administrative Management
YANG Haobiao
(Yuhu District People’s Government of Xiangtan,Xiangtan 412000,China)
Abstract:At present,e-government in our country is not entirely a management mode that government functional departments use modern information technology, network technology and office automation technology to carry out office,management and provide public services for the society. It has gradually become an important methods to integrate government and society,enterprises and enhance competitiveness. Informatization is an important lever to drive industrialization strategy. At the same time,the management innovation of various functional departments of the government has pointed out the direction and provided guarantee for the development of e-government. Through the sharing of government information,more people can indirectly participate in the management of government affairs,so as to provide the society with the management and services of renewal of functions,optimization of organizations and standardization and transparency,improve the administrative management model, and improve the quality of public services.
Keywords:e-government;administrative management;government affairs reform
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作者简介:杨豪彪(1981.04-),男,汉族,湖南湘乡人, 工程硕士,研究方向:行政管理。