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(阳光学院 信息工程学院,福建 福州 350015)

摘  要:互联网的发展为教学活动带来了更多生机,“计算机组成原理”课程是大学阶段针对计算机类专业学生的基础重要课程,其以理论为主,较为抽象,内容相对枯燥难懂。因此,结合互联网技术推动“计算机组成原理”课程的建设和发展十分有必要。本文主要从教学内容、教学方式、实践环节和教学管理这四个方面,论述互联网教学背景下“计算机组成原理”课程的教学和管理思路。


中图分类号:TP3-4;G642         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)08-0086-03

Exploring the Teaching and Management Thought of “Computer Composition
Principle” under the Background of Internet Teaching
YOU Ling
(College of Information Engineering,Yango University,Fuzhou 350015,China)

Abstract:The development of the internet has brought more vitality for the teaching activity,the “Computer Composition Principle” course is university level on the basis of computer professional students important lesson,its theory gives priority to the more abstract,content relatively dull to understand. Therefore,combined with the internet technology to promote curriculum construction and development of the “Computer Composition Principle” has the necessity very much. This article mainly from the teaching content,teaching methods,practice and teaching management of these four aspects,this paper discusses the teaching and management ideas of the course “Computer Composition Principle” under the background of internet teaching.

Keywords:internet teaching;computer;informatization


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