摘 要:本文结合当前网络上有大量的课程被学生点播和学习的情况,探讨了将现代的多媒体与网络技术应用于MySQL数据库课堂教学,引导学生主动学习和差异化学习,能更好的解决学生学数据库而不愿进行实践的教学问题,可取得更理想的教学效果。并对数据库课程教学网站设计提出了自己的观点。
中图分类号:TP37-4;TP391.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)01-0122-03
Discussion on the application of network and multimedia technology to the differential teaching of Database Course
HUANG Zhiwen
(Guangdong Kaiping Comprehensive Adult Secondary Professional School,Kaiping 529300,China)
Abstract:In this paper,the current network has a large number of courses is on demand and study,discusses the modern multimedia and network technology in the MySQL database of classroom teaching,guide students to active learning and different learning problems in teaching,students can better solve the database rather than practice,and can get more ideal teaching effect. And put forward their own views on the design of the database course teaching website.
Keywords:database;network;multimedia;differential teaching
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作者简介:黄志文(1968.02 -),男,汉族,广东梅县人,讲师,1992 华南师范大学物理专业本科毕业,从事计算机信息管理方向教学与研究。