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(长春理工大学经济管理学院,吉林 长春 130000)

摘  要:随着教育事业的迅速发展,社会上兴办起来越来越多的学校,学生们学习丰富多彩的知识,享受轻松愉悦的求知青春。虽然知识对于我们是很重要的,但是身体是革命的本钱,有强壮的身体才可以进行对未知世界的探索。因此,开发“校园小医生助手平台设计”可以更好的服务学生,解决他们日常生活中的小困扰,还能将校医院和学生充分地结合在一起,包括体检,验血等内容都可以在网上进行预约安排。在学生和校医院之间首次建立线上沟通平台,使校医院的资源得到最大化的利用,同时也可以利用互联网平台降低学生就医时间和医院人力成本。


中图分类号:TP393.18       文献标识码:A       文章编号:2096-4706(2018)01-0161-03

The Design and Application of Medical Model for Campus Students Based on Internet

LI Yang,QI Dianwei,QU Le,ZHANG Chenchen,WANG Zizhao

(Changchun University of Science and Technology School of Economics and Management,Changchun  130000,China)

Abstract:With the rapid development of education,more and more schools are set up. Students learn colorful knowledge and enjoy relaxed and happy youth. Although knowledge is important to us,but there is a strong body to explore the unknown world. Therefore,the development of the "campus small physician assistant platform design" can better serve students,solve the small problems of their daily life,but also to the hospital and students together,including physical examination,blood tests and other content can be booked on the internet. The online communication platform is first established between students and school hospitals,so that the resources of schools and hospitals can be maximized. At the same time,can make use of the internet platform to reduce the time of student medical treatment and the cost of hospital manpower.

Keywords:design of campus health small helper platform;WeChat service platform


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作者简介:李阳(1996.05 -),男,汉族,辽宁彰武人,现就读于长春理工大学经济管理学院财务管理专业。