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TensorFlow 中不同神经网络模型对MNIST 数据集影响研究
(浙江理工大学,浙江 杭州 310018)

摘  要:在TensorFlow 中,神经网络模型对训练数据的效果有很大的影响。在与图像数据相关的模型中有几种训练数据模型:深度神经网络模型、非线性神经网络模型、多层神经网络模型,它们对不同类型的数据集有不同的影响。MNSIT 集是神经网络模型性能检验的常用数据集,不同的神经网络模型在数据集上有不同的结果。

关键词:MNIST 集;神经网络模型

中图分类号:TP183;TP391.41         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)11-0075-03

Research on Influence of Different Neural Network Models onMNIST Data Set in TensorFlow

FAN Minghao

(Zhejiang Sci-Tech University,Hangzhou 310018,China)

Abstract:In TensorFlow,neural network model has great influence on the result of training data. In the training related to imagedata,there are several training data models:deep neural network model,nonlinear neural network model,multi-layer neural networkmodel,they have different influence on different types of data sets. The MNSIT sets is the common data set for neural network modelperformance checking,and different neural network models have different results on the data set.

Keywords:MNIST sets;neural network model


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