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(茂名市高级技工学校,广东 茂名 525000)

摘  要:本文分析了技工院校计算机网络实训教学的现状以及存在的问题,引出了建设基于虚拟仿真技术的网络实训室的重要性,文章中先介绍了虚拟仿真技术,再讲述了其在计算机教学中的优势所在。并以Cisco Packet Trace 为例,探讨了如何运用该虚拟仿真软件进行小型局域网的组网和测试工作,并证明了虚拟仿真技术在计算机网络实训教学中的可行性。同时也点出了运用虚拟仿真技术进行计算机网络教学现行存在的问题分析,并尝试给出了解决的办法。最后,由点及面进行了总结,指出了我们既要认识到虚拟仿真技术给计算机网络教学带来的创新,同时又要了解到其为我们带来的挑战。


中图分类号:TP391.9;G718.1         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)12-0078-03

Application and Research of Virtual Simulation Technology inComputer Practice Teaching in Technical Colleges

——Take “Computer Network” as an Example


(Maoming Senior Technical School,Maoming 525000,China)

Abstract:This paper analyses the present situation and existing problems of computer network training teaching in technicalcolleges. It points out that the importance of building network training room based on virtual simulation technology. Firstly,thepaper introduces virtual simulation technology,and then describes its advantages in computer teaching. Taking Cisco Packet Traceas an example,it discusses how to use the virtual simulation software to carry out small bureau. The networking and testing work ofLAN proves the feasibility of virtual simulation technology in computer network training teaching. At the same time,it points out theexisting problems of using virtual simulation technology in computer network teaching,and tries to give solutions. Finally,the papersummarizes the points and aspects,and points out that we should not only see the innovation brought by virtual simulation technologyto computer network teaching,but also recognize the challenges it brings to us. In this paper,virtual simulation technology isintroduced into computer teaching.

Keywords:virtual reality technology;computer network;technical schools;computer practice teaching


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