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(三石量子(苏州)信息科技有限公司,江苏 张家港 215600)

摘  要:校园安全无小事,学生的健康成长关系到人民群众的切身利益以及社会的和谐稳定发展。小学的校园安全更是安全管理工作的重中之重,建设平安校园、维护校园安全,是全社会共同的责任,是教育管理部门和学校义不容辞的职责。推进人脸识别技术在校园中的应用,建立基于人脸识别技术的出入管理系统和访客管理系统,对进入学校的人员进行实名制管理以及行为轨迹分析,能够实时掌握学生进出学校的时间和进入学校人员的行为,保障学生安全、建设平安校园。


中图分类号:TP391.41;G627.4         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)13-0114-03

Face Recognition Technology in the Construction of Safe Campus Application Research

CUI Defu

(Sanshi Liangzi (Suzhou) Information Technology Co.,Ltd.,Zhangjiagang 215600,China)

Abstract:Campus safety is no small matter. The healthy growth of students is related to the vital interests of the people and the harmonious and stable development of the society. The campus safety of primary schools is the top priority in safety management.Building a safe campus and maintaining campus safety is the common responsibility of the whole society. It is the unshirkable duty of the education management department and the school. Promote the application of face recognition technology on campus,establish an access management system based on face recognition technology and a visitor management system,through the name system management and behavior track analysis of the personnel entering the school,we can grasp the time of students entering and leaving the school and the behavior of the personnel entering the school in real time,guarantee the safety of students and build a safe campus.

Keywords:face recognition;safe campus;visitor management


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