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基于计算思维的独立学院Access 程序设计在线学习的教学研究
(河南大学民生学院,河南 开封 475100)

摘  要:计算机作为一种工具,在现今社会中各行各业得到了充分的应用。而培养学生使用计算机解决问题的能力——培养学生计算思维能力变得愈加重要。通过对Access 程序设计这门课程的教学过程进行分析,将培养学生计算思维的能力融入到日常的学习生活中,并且借助慕课,使学生提高动手能力的同时,利用碎片化的时间进行理论学习,并实现对学生的综合性考核。

关键词:计算思维;Access 程序设计;慕课

中图分类号:TP311.138-4;G642         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)02-0097-03

Research on Online Learning of Access Program Design of Independent College Based on Computational Thinking

LI Lijie,SUN Yujie

(Henan University Minsheng College,Kaifeng 475001,China)

Abstract:Computers have been applied in all industries today. The ability that use the computer to solve problems has become very important. Through the analysis of the teaching process of the Access program design,the ability to train the students' computational thinking is integrated into the daily learning life, and with the help of the Moodle, the student improve the ability of using computer in the same time. Using free time to learn and implement comprehensive evaluation to the students.

Keywords:computational thinking;Access program design;Moodle


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