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浅析中专院校VB 编程教学整体设计
(邓州市职业技术学校,河南 邓州 474150)

摘  要:Visual Basic 具有可视化的界面设计、功能强大、语法简洁等特点,目前很多院校将该课程作为非计算机专业的公共基础课,该语言也被纳入计算机等级考试科目,然而长期以来教与学的效果却不尽人意。我们该以一种既能发挥教师主导作用又能充分体现学生主体地位的教与学的方法来解决该门课程中存在的一些教学问题,通过对VB 编程的高效教学设计,把学生的主动性、积极性较充分地发挥出来,以提升教师的教学效果和学生的编程学习效果。

关键词:VB 编程;VB 教学;教学设计

中图分类号:TP312         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)14-0074-03

Brief Analysis on the Whole Design of VB Programming Teaching inSecondary Vocational Colleges


(Dengzhou Vocational Technical School,Dengzhou 474150,China)

Abstract:Visual Basic has the characteristics of visual interface design,powerful function and concise grammar. At present,many colleges and universities regard this course as a public basic course for non-computer majors. The language has also been included in the computer grade examination subject. However,the effect of teaching and learning has been unsatisfactory for a long time. We should solve some teaching problems in this course by a teaching and learning method that can not only play the leading role of teachers but also fully reflect the students’principal position. Through the efficient teaching design of VB programming,students’initiative and enthusiasm can be fully brought into play,so as to improve the teaching effect of teachers and the learning effect of students’programming.

Keywords:VB programming;VB teaching;teaching design


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