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(天安佰盈保险销售有限公司上海分公司,上海 200120)

摘  要:随着现代企业的快速发展,企业对各种先进管理系统的需求逐步扩大,其中就包括财务费用管控系统。该系统可以实现对企业财务费用的管理控制,提高财务工作效率,受到很多企业的青睐。本文以某费用管控系统开发项目为对象,对其具体设计和开发进行研究分析。本费用管控系统的设计主要分为两部分,一部分是前端设计,使用jquery、bootstrap 框架,另一部分则是后端设计,使用SSM 框架。在完成整体设计以后,还进行了APP 与后端交互、系统发布与源码管理等方面的研究,希望能够为今后的系统设计提供帮助。


中图分类号:TP311.52         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)14-0079-03

Design and Development of a Financial Cost Management and Control System

LI Gen

(Shanghai Branch of TianAn BaiYing Insurance Sales Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200120,China)

Abstract:With the rapid development of modern enterprises,the demand for various advanced management systems has gradually expanded,including financial cost management and control system. This system can realize the management and control of enterprise’s financial expenses and improve the efficiency of financial work,which is favored by many enterprises. In this paper,the specific design and development of a fee control system development project are studied and analyzed. The design of this fee control system is mainly divided into two parts,one is the front-end design,using jquery,bootstrap framework,the other is the back-end design,using SSM framework. After completing the overall design,the interaction between APP and backend,system publishing and source code management are also studied,hoping to provide help for future system design.

Keywords:financial cost management and control system;front-end design;source code management


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