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(郑州师范学院,河南 郑州 450044)

摘  要:地理科学研究与其他科学研究相比,具有复杂的特点,且内容多以非线性为主;而复杂网络是随着各类模型的提出而提出的,可在各项研究中使用。复杂网络在地理科学研究中的运用,具有独特的优势。所以,本文的阐述,是基于复杂网络中各网络的介绍,指出了复杂网络在地理科学应用研究中存在的问题,并总结了其研究进展。


中图分类号:O157.5;K901         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)02-0105-03

Research Progress on the Application of Complex Network in Geographic Science

FAN Yuyue

(Zhengzhou Normal University,Zhengzhou 450044,China)

Abstract:Compared with other scientific researches,geo science research has complex characteristics,and the content is mostly nonlinear. Complex network is proposed with all kinds of models and can be used in various studies. Its application in geo scientific research can show its advantages. Therefore,this article is based on the introduction of the network in the complex network,points out the problems existing in the research of the application of complex networks in geo scientific applications,and summarizes the research progress.

Keywords:complex networks;geo science;wireless sensor networks


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