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大数据技术在篮球赛事中的应用研究综述——基于NBA 和CBA 中的应用
(北京工业大学 应用数理学院,北京 100124)

摘  要:当今几乎各行各业都在拥抱大数据,篮球赛事也和大数据密不可分,成为比赛制胜的秘密武器。通过分析国外大数据技术在NBA 中的应用和国内大数据技术在CBA 中的应用研究动态,了解大数据技术在篮球的主要赛事中的应用研究中存在的不足及需要进一步研究的内容,为以后的研究者提供一定的理论参考,也有利于推进篮球乃至整个体育事业的发展。


中图分类号:TP311.13         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)16-0089-04

Summary of Research on the Application of Big Data Technology in Basketball Matches

——Application Based on NBA and CBA

PENG Chenchen,PENG Qinzi,ZHANG Zengzirui,LI Xia,QIAN Fang

(College of Applied Sciences,Beijing University of Technology,Beijing 100124,China)

Abstract:Nowadays,almost all industries are embracing big data. Basketball events and big data are inseparable,it is the secret weapon to win the game. Analyzing application research dynamic of the data technology in NBA and in CBA,understanding the shortcomings of big data technology in the application research of major basketball events and the content that needs further study will provide some theoretical reference for future researchers,and also help to promote the development of basketball and even the whole sports cause.

Keywords:big data technology;basketball events;databases



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