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(广西现代职业技术学院,广西 河池 547000)

摘  要:随着我国教育的不断发展,我国的教育水平得到了很大的提高,全体社会成员的综合素质也得到了很大的提升,越来越多的人选择通过教育来改变自身命运,就读高职的学生数量也在与日俱增。同时由于经济的发展,对社会人才的需求量也不断增加,特别是对计算机类专业技术人才需求量。高职教学的方式也在不断丰富和多样化,通过引入项目式教学的方式,有助于学生对动态网站设计的理解,更好地开展好高职“动态网站设计”课程教学。


中图分类号:TP393.092-4         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)16-0099-02

Analysis of the Practice of Project-based Teaching in the Course of “Dynamic Website Design” in Higher Vocational Education


(Guangxi Modern Polytechnic College,Hechi 547000,China)

Abstract:With the continuous development of education in China,the level of education in our country has been greatly improved,and the comprehensive quality of all members of society has also been greatly improved. More and more people choose to change their own destiny through education. The number of students attending higher vocational education is also increasing. At the same time,due to the economic development,the demand for social talents has also increased,especially the demand for computer-based professional and technical personnel. The teaching methods of higher vocational education are also constantly enriched and diversified.By introducing the method of project-based teaching,it helps students to understand the dynamic website design and better carry out the teaching of “Dynamic Website Design”.

Keywords:project-based teaching;higher vocational teaching;dynamic website design

课题项目:2018 年度广西现代职业技术学院立项课题:高职计算机应用专业“软件开发”方向系列课程教学内容的整合优化研究与实践(项目编号:GXXDYB201808)。


[1] 吴燕珍. 项目式教学法在《动态网页设计》课程中的实施 [J]. 电脑知识与技术,2018,14(18):106-107.

[2] 张亚东,郑玉娟. 探讨“网页设计”课程微课的翻转课堂教学模式 [J]. 现代信息科技,2019,3(6):97-98+101.
