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(国家广播电视总局七二五台,山西 晋中 031308)

摘  要:发射台站的信息化网络与应用系统已经成为安全播出工作的重要组成部分,为各项安全播出业务提供了有效的技术保障。但由于各应用系统的节点比较单一,组建时间不同,操作系统和中间件都不完全相同,从而导致服务器利用率低、维护难度大、维护成本高。虚拟化概念的提出从根本上解决了该问题。


中图分类号:TN934.81         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)20-0095-03

Application of Virtualization Technology in Safe Broadcasting of Launching Stations

LI Li,FANG Xiangli

(State Administration of Radio and Television 725 Radio Station,Jinzhong 031308,China)

Abstract:The information network and application system of the transmitting station have become an important part of the safe broadcast work,which provides effective technical guarantee for all safe broadcast services. However,due to the fact that the nodes of each application system are relatively single,the build time is different,and the operating system and middleware are not exactly the same,which leads to low server utilization,high maintenance difficulty,and high maintenance costs. The concept of virtualization fundamentally solves this problem.

Keywords:virtualization technology;transmitting station;secure broadcast;virtualization platform


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作者简介:李琍(1971.09-),男,汉族,山西灵石人,值班长,工程师,本科,研究方向:计算机科学与技术。 ​