摘 要:本文提出在“网页设计与制作”课程教学中融入视觉化思维,之所以选择这门课程,还和融媒体这一时代背景有关系。在教学过程中,学生可以更加直观形象地进行理解,并且激发创造性思维。本文在论述视觉思维在“网页设计与制作”教学中的应用,并有具体的教学设计过程、解决教师在授课过程中不够直观形象问题的策略,说明视觉思维对“网页设计与制作”学科教学的重要性和应用价值。
中图分类号:TP3-05 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)21-0073-03
Research on the Application of Visual Thinking in Computer Teaching
——Take “Web Design and Production” as an Example
FU Lin
(Guangdong Nanfang Institute of Technology,Jiangmen 529080,China)
Abstract:This paper proposes to integrate visual thinking into the teaching of “Web Design and Production”. The reason for choosing this course is also related to the background of media convergence. In the process of teaching,students can understand more directly and vividly,and stimulate creative thinking. This paper discusses the application of visual thinking in the teaching of “Web Design and Production”,and has a specific teaching design process,to solve the problem of teachers in the teaching process is not intuitive image,the importance and application value of visual thinking to the teaching of “Web Design and Production”.
Keywords:media convergence;visual thinking;“Web Design and Production” teaching
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