摘 要:本系统设计希望购物者在购物过程中可以得到更多的便利和乐趣。一是通过测距和电机速度控制实现跟随功能,二是通过射频模块,在购物者挑选货物时显示货物信息,实时统计货物价格,在结账时减少等候时间。
中图分类号:TP368.12 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)03-0094-02
Design of Supermarket Shopping Cart Based on Embedded System
ZHENG Ying,WU Guofu,HU Chenlong
(Northwest Minzu University,Lanzhou 730124,China)
Abstract:This system design wants shoppers to get more convenience and fun in the shopping process. The first is to implement the follow-up function through ranging and motor speed control,and second is to use radio frequency modules to display cargo information when the shopper selects goods,real-time statistics on the price of the goods,and to reduce the waiting time during checkout.
Keywords:shopping cart;follow up;radio frequency
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