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(北海艺术设计学院,广西 北海 536000)

摘  要:近年来,随着国家资助政策力度加大,资助项目和金额不断增加,以收取纸质材料、人工操作为主的传统高校资助管理工作面临巨大挑战。利用信息技术构建功能完善、操作简便、性能稳定的校园资助管理系统成为现代资助工作信息化建设的必然需求。该文以北海艺术设计学院为例,从实际出发,对资助管理系统进行设计与关键技术研究,确保在数据准确的前提下,提高工作效率,实现资助管理信息化。


中图分类号:TP311.5;TP393.1         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)04-0091-04

Research on the Design and Key Technology of Campus Funding Management System

LYU Yating

(Beihai College of Art and Design,Beihai 536000,China)

Abstract:In recent years,with the increase of national funding policy and the increasing of funding projects and amount,the traditional university funding management,which mainly collects paper materials and manual operation,is facing great challenges. Using information technology to build a campus funding management system with perfect function,simple operation and stable performance has become the inevitable demand of modern funding information construction. Taking Beihai College of Art and Design as an example,this paper studies the design and key technologies of the financial aid management system from the reality,improves the work efficiency and realizes the informatization of financial aid management on the premise of ensuring the accuracy of data.

Keywords:funding management;cross platform;system design;campus funding system

基金项目:2019 年度广西高校中青年教师科研基础能力提示项目(2019KY0953)


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