摘 要:文章源于教育教学实践,通过对计算思维起源做了简要阐述,并选择了计算思维的核心要素:抽象和自动化;从洞察思维过程层层细化、问题需求层层拓展、解决问题算法层层深入等三个方面着手,通过线下课程细节,如数值的比较、数组的引入、素数算法等展现在 C 语言程序设计课堂中如何将计算思维有效融入,如何开展计算思维融入程序设计课堂教学的实践研究。
中图分类号:TP312;G642 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)04-0105-03
Research on the Teaching Practice of C ProgrammingBased on Computational Thinking
(Nanjing Vocational College of Finance and Economics,Nanjing 211121,China)
Abstract:Based on the practice of education and teaching,this paper briefly expounds the origin of computational thinking,and selects the core elements of computational thinking:abstraction and automation;from three aspects of insight into the process of thinking layer by layer refinement,problem demand layer by layer expansion,problem-solving algorithm layer by layer in-depth,through offline course details,through the comparison of numerical value,the introduction of array,the prime number algorithm and so on,it shows how to effectively integrate the calculation thinking into the C language programming classroom,and how to carry out the practical research on how to integrate the calculation thinking into the programming classroom teaching
Keywords:computational thinking;programming;algorithm
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