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(无锡太湖学院,江苏 无锡 214064)

摘  要:为了缓解社会老龄化压力,以物联网等技术为支撑的智慧养老应运而生,时间银行成为智慧养老的一个研究方向。将志愿者服务系统融入到时间银行概念中,志愿者群体作为系统的使用主体,以时间币奖励机制为桥梁实现用户前期服务时间的存储和后期自身需求的兑换,设计出一个记录志愿者服务并量化志愿服务时间和服务兑换的综合系统。该系统采用 SSH 框架进行开发,该系统的设计和实现能够切实提高志愿服务的质量,推动我国时间银行养老模式的发展。

关键词:物联网;智慧养老;时间银行;志愿者服务系统;SSH 框架

中图分类号:TP311.52         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)06-0107-03

Design and Implementation of Time Bank Based on Volunteer Service System

WANG Sihong,FENG Lingyun,GENG Yishuai,YANG Xiaoyan,SHEN Feng

(Wuxi Taihu University,Wuxi 214064,China)

Abstract:In order to alleviate the pressure of social aging,intelligent pension based on internet of things and other technologies came into being. Time bank has become a research direction of smart pension. The volunteer service system is integrated into the concept of time bank. As the main user of the system,the volunteer group uses the time currency reward mechanism as a bridge to realize the storage of users’early service time and the exchange of their own needs in the later stage. A comprehensive system is designed to record the volunteer service and quantify the willing service time and service exchange. The system is developed with SSH framework. The design and implementation of the system can effectively improve the quality of voluntary service,and promote the development of time bank pension model in China.

Keywords:internet of things;intelligent pension;time bank;volunteer service system;SSH framework


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