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​VR 技术在产品设计中的实践探索
(吉林大学珠海学院 美术与设计学院,广东 珠海 519041)

摘  要:为了探索虚拟现实技术在产品设计中的应用价值及发展方向,提出合理的方案并体现需求是根本,技术是辅助的设计人本思想。通过利用虚拟现实技术软件,对产品形态进行绘制,总结了软件功能及操作流程。从软件的操作感受中分析虚拟现实技术对产品设计的优缺点。研究表明对于虚拟现实技术在产品设计中的应用,可突出虚拟现实技术带给人的感官享受,从情感角度入手,在产品的设计阶段和销售阶段,有针对性地利用新技术,意在满足需求。


中图分类号:TB472;J2-39         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)06-0113-03

Practical Exploration of VR Technology in Product Design

YU Yanbo

(School of Art and Design,Zhuhai College of Jilin University,Zhuhai 519041,China)

Abstract:In order to explore the application value and development direction of virtual reality technology in product design,a reasonable scheme is put forward,and the demand is the foundation,and technology is the auxiliary design humanism. By using virtual reality technology software,the product form is drawn,and the software function and operation process are summarized. This paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of virtual reality technology to product design from the operating experience of software. The research shows that the application of virtual reality technology in product design can highlight the sensory enjoyment brought by virtual reality technology. From the emotional point of view,in the product design stage and sales stage,targeted use of new technology is intended to meet the needs.

Keywords:virtual reality technology;product design;demand feedback;emotional satisfaction;people-oriented


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