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“5W 模式”下大学生对移动新媒体突发事件的
(浙江理工大学 经济管理学院,浙江 杭州 310018)

摘  要:对移动社交媒体平台的研究有利于响应社会危机和灾害。对移动新媒体传播的研究以点对点的人际传播为主。传播的内容体现出个人私密性强、实时性、传播速度快和准实名制等特征。传播范围主要在同学、亲戚朋友之间,因此本文重点研究“5W 模式”下大学生对移动新媒体突发性事件的认知与关注度。主要讨论“5W 模式”下大学生对移动新媒体的应用,并探析目前的移动新媒体突发事件对网民行为的影响。


中图分类号:G206         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)04-0085-03

Research on the Mobile New Media Emergency Awareness and Concernness of College Students Based on“5W”
WANG Pengfei
(School of Economics and Management,Zhejiang Sci-Tech University,Hangzhou 310018,China)

Abstract:Research on mobile social media platforms is conducive to responding to social crises and disasters. The study of mobile new media communication focuses on interpersonal communication. The contents of communication reflect the characteristics of strong privacy,real-time,fast dissemination and quasi real name system. The communication range is mainly between students and relatives and friends,so this paper focuses on the cognition and attention of college students on the unexpected events of mobile new media under the“5W model”. This paper mainly discusses the application of“5W”to mobile new media,and explores the impact of mobile new media emergencies on netizens’ behavior.

Keywords:social media;mobile application;data collection;crisis communication


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