摘 要:虚拟云桌面是云计算技术的典型应用,能够通过桌面化的方式,将数据空间和管理服务提供给操作者,使得用户能够在任意时间、任意地点通过网络实现对于个人桌面系统的访问。本文对照传统台式机机房,分析了虚拟云桌面机房的优势,并就其常见故障进行了分析和处理。
中图分类号:TP306.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)04-0103-02
Analysis and Processing of Common Faults in Virtual Cloud Desktop Computer Room
WEN Jingde
(Guangdong Urban Construction Technician College,Guangzhou 510000,China)
Abstract:The virtual cloud desktop is a typical application of cloud computing technology. It can provide the operator with the data space and management service by desktop,so that users can access the personal desktop system at any time and anywhere. Compared with the traditional desktop computer room,this paper analyzes the advantages of the virtual cloud desktop computer room,and analyzes and handles its common failures.
Keywords:virtual cloud desktop;common failures;processing
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