摘 要:中国古诗词文化博大精深,在对数量庞大的古诗词数据进行数字化管理时,如何做好古诗词的分类和管理尤为重要。基于以上背景,开发了“古诗词平台管理系统”,该系统基于SSM 框架作后台业务逻辑处理,前端使用AngularJS+ECharts做数据展示和渲染,功能主要包括古诗词朝代管理、古诗词题材管理、古诗词的增删改查以及古诗词可视化等,从而实现对古诗 词有效的数字化管理。
中图分类号:TP311.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)10-0098-03
Design and Implementation of Platform Management of Ancient Poetry Based on SSM
XU Yaojian
(School of Software & Internet of Things Engineering,Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics,Nanchang 330013,China)
Abstract:The culture of ancient Chinese poetry is broad and profound. Under such a huge data of ancient poetry,how to classify and manage ancient poetry is particularly important. Based on the above background,the “ancient poetry platform management system” is developed. The system is based on SSM framework for background business logic processing,and the front-end uses AngularJS + ECharts for data display and rendering. Its functions mainly include ancient poetry Dynasty management,ancient poetry theme management,ancient poetry addition,deletion,modification and inspection,and ancient poetry visualization,so as to achieve effective digital management of ancient poetry.
Keywords:ancient poetry;SSM;AngularJS;ECharts;visualization
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