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(凯里学院,贵州 凯里 556011)

摘  要:疫情常态防控下,高校日常管理工作面临晨午晚体温检测、进出校门审核管理等频繁的重复性工作。微信小程序有使用便捷、无须下载客户端和开发成本低等优点,被广泛推荐使用。开发基于微信小程序的疫情健康监测系统,对解决疫情常态防控下高校日常管理中频繁的重复性事务具有较大帮助,在提高工作效率的同时,加强高校疫情防控工作。


中图分类号:TP311.56         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)22-0110-03

Design and Implementation of Epidemic Health Monitoring System Based on WeChat Applet

ZHOU Quanxing,LI Qiuxian

(Kaili University,Kaili 556011,China)

Abstract:Under the normal situation of epidemic prevention and control,the daily management of colleges and universities is faced with frequent repetitive work,such as body temperature detection in the morning,afternoon and evening,in and out of school audit management. WeChat applet has the advantages of easy to use,no need to download the client and low development cost,so it is widely recommended for use. The development of the epidemic health monitoring system based on WeChat applet is of great help to solve the frequent repetitive affairs in the daily management of colleges and universities under the normal epidemic prevention and control,and strengthen the epidemic prevention and control work in colleges and universities while improving the work efficiency.

Keywords:COVID-19;epidemic prevention and control;health monitoring;program design;WeChat applet

课题项目:凯里学院专项课题(YQZX201907);黔东南州2020 年度州科技计划项目(黔东南科合J[2020]042 号);贵州省普通高等学校青年科技人才成长项目(黔教合KY 字[2020]179,黔教合KY 字[2020]180)


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周全兴(1986 -),男,汉族,贵州遵义人,讲师,学士学位,研究方向:计算机应用、网络信息安全、区块链技术;

李秋贤(1992 -),女,汉族,河南焦作人,中级职称,硕士,研究方向:密码学、博弈论。