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(湖南信息职业技术学院,湖南 长沙 410200)

摘  要:平整度检测是瓷砖生产的一个关键环节,为有效检测镜面瓷砖的平整度,文章提出了一种应用机器视觉的检测方法,设计点阵光源进行投影照明使得表面的不平整信息可视化,采用光电传感器触发方式进行图像采集,结合“OpenCV 图像处理”课程内容,设计窗口扫描法提取投影点阵,消除侧倾对检测结果的影响,使用方向统计的方法进行平整度检测。实验结果表明,该方法能有效检测出镜面瓷砖的平整度,同时检测装置结构简单,节省成本。


中图分类号:TP391.41         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)23-0094-04

Research on Visual Inspection of Mirror Tile Surface Flatness

XIE Jian

(Hunan College of Information,Changsha 410200,China)

Abstract:Flatness detection is a key link in tile production. In order to effectively detect the flatness of mirror tile,this paper proposes a detection method based on machine vision. Dot matrix light source was designed for projection illumination to visualize the surface roughness information,and the photoelectric sensor was used to trigger the image acquisition. Combined with “OpenCV Image Processing” course content,the window scanning method is designed to extract the projection lattice,eliminate the influence of roll on the detection results,and the direction statistics method is used for flatness detection. The experimental results show that this method can effectively detect the flatness of mirror tile,and the detection device is simple in structure and cost saving.

Keywords:flatness detection;image acquisition;lattice extraction;direction statistics


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