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基于VR 技术的沉浸式建筑漫游与交互设计 ——以中共五大会址纪念馆为例
赵锋 ¹’²,程科 ¹’²,靖亮 ²
(1. 湖北美术学院 现代公共视觉艺术设计研究中心,湖北 武汉 430060;2. 湖北美术学院,湖北 武汉 430205)

摘  要:通过分析虚拟现实技术在建筑漫游中的应用,探讨了沉浸式建筑漫游与交互设计制作过程,并以武汉中共五大会址纪念馆为实景开发虚拟漫游交互系统,通过添加人机交互碰撞检测和HTC Vive 头戴显示设备,借助操控手柄实现沉浸式建筑漫游和交互系统。体验结果表明,全方位的沉浸式漫游使体验者与建筑的互动性更加强烈,心理上更加亲近,人与建筑关系更为融合。


中图分类号:TP391.9         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)24-0105-05

Immersive Architecture Roaming and Interactive Design Based on VR Technology

——A Case Study of the Memorial Hall of the Fifth National Congress of the CPC

ZHAO Feng1,2,CHENG Ke1,2,JING Liang1

(1.Research Center of Modern Public Visual Art and Design,Hubei Institute of Fine Arts,Wuhan 430060,China;2.Hubei Institute of Fine Arts,Wuhan 430205,China)

Abstract:By analyzing the application of VR technology in architecture roaming ,this paper discusses the making process of immersive architectural roaming and interactive design,and virtual roaming interactive system is developed with the Memorial Hall of the Fifth National Congress of the CPC in Wuhan as the real scene. By adding human-computer interaction collision detection and HTC Vive headset display device,the immersive architecture roaming and interactive system is realized with the help of the control handle.The experience results show that the omni-directional immersive roaming makes the interaction between experiencers and buildings more strongly,closer psychologically,and the relationship between people and buildings is more harmonious.

Keywords:site of the Fifth National Congress of the CPC;architecture roaming;virtual roaming;interactive design

基金项目:湖北省教育厅科学技术研究项目(B2020118);湖北美术学院现代公共视觉艺术设计研究中心2019 年度基金项目(JD-2019-07)


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