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基于自适应K-means++ 的线序特征值提取方法研究
(安徽工业大学 电气与信息工程学院,安徽 马鞍山 243032)

摘  要:自适应K-means++ 被用于提取线束连接器的主色特征值。首先对相机采集的图像进行去噪和增强对比度的操作;然后进行图像灰度化处理,通过大津阈值法分离线束主体与背景;再根据Canny 算子提取每根导线的轮廓,由轮廓位置获取增强图像对应的图像块;最后通过线宽选取聚类区域并利用自适应K-means++ 提取主色特征值。实验通过中位切分法、K-means及自适应K-means++ 分别提取特征值,并与人眼视觉观测的特征值进行色差对比。实验表明自适应K-means++ 方法提取的特征值较准确。


中图分类号:TP391.41         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2021)01-0071-06

Research on Line Order Eigenvalue Extraction Method Based on Adaptive K-means++

HUI Wanyu,WU Yuxiu,ZHANG Wenzhong

(School of Electrical and Information Engineering,Anhui University of Techology,Ma’anshan 243032,China)

Abstract:Adaptive K-means++ is used to extract the dominant color eigenvalue of the harness connector. First,denoise and enhance the contrast of the image collected by the camera;then the image is grayed,and the main body and background are separated by Otsu threshold method;then,the contour of each wire is extracted according to Canny operator,and the image block corresponding to the enhanced image is obtained from the contour position;finally,the clustering region is selected by linewidth and the dominant color eigenvalue is extracted by adaptive K-means++. The experiment uses median segmentation,K-means and adaptive K-means++ to extract eigenvalue,and compare them with the eigenvalue observed by human vision. Experiments show that the eigenvalue extracted by the adaptive K-means++ method are more accurate.

Keywords:harness connector;dominant color eigenvalue;adaptive K-means++;chromatic aberration


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