摘 要:随着信息科技的不断发展,在国家政策的支持与推动下,中等职业学校信息技术课程教学的重要性日益凸显。中职信息技术课程以编程教育为主,其中App Inventor 积木式编程降低了中职学生学习编程以及制作应用程序的门槛。笔者对App Inventor 软件及基于其设计与开发的“学英语”手机应用程序进行了分析和研究,借以阐述App Inventor 积木式编程的可行性与便捷性。
关键词:中等职业学校;App Inventor;“学英语”应用程序
中图分类号:TP311.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)01-0102-03
Design and Development of “Learning English” Application Based on App Inventor
XIE Xuebin
(Guangzhou Vocational High School of Trade,Guangzhou 510110,China)
Abstract:With the continuous development of information technology,the teaching of information technology courses in secondary vocational schools is becoming more and more important under the support and promotion of national policies. The secondary vocational information technology course is mainly about programming education,in which App Inventor building block programming reduces the threshold of learning programming and writing application for secondary vocational students. The author studies and analyzes the App Inventor software and the “Learning English” mobile phone application that designed and developed based on the software,soas to expound the feasibility and convenience of App Inventor building block programming.
Keywords:secondary vocational school;App Inventor;“Learning English” application
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作者简介:谢学斌(1983—),男,汉族,广东紫金人,广东省广州市教育局信息技术学科特约教研员,信息技术高级工程师,中学一级教师,硕士,研究方向:Python 编程、App Inventor、人工智能。