摘 要:交通流异常检测通常要考虑时间信息、空间信息等信息,这让交通流异常检测变得具有挑战性。文章重点研究由交通事故、或短暂事件引起的非经常性交通异常检查。新提出的算法(GL-GCN)利用交通的时空数据,空间信息采用图卷积网络捕获,时间依赖性采用深度神经网络DeepGLO 的方法建模。同时捕捉时空特性并建立预测交通流模型,利用异常分数来判断交通流异常。利用真实的交通流数据,证实了提出的模型具有有效性和优越性。
中图分类号:TP39 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)02-0070-06
Traffic Flow Anomaly Detection Algorithm Based on Spatiotemporal Convolution Neural Network GL-GCN
XU Hongfei,LI Jing
(School of Computer Science and Technology,Shanghai University of Electric Power,Shanghai 200090,China)
Abstract:Traffic flow anomaly detection usually considers time information,spatial information and others,which makes traffic flow anomaly detection challenging. This paper focuses on the non-recurrent traffic anomaly inspection caused by traffic accidents or short-term events. The new algorithm(GL-GCN)uses the spatiotemporal data of traffic,the spatial information is captured by graph convolution network,and the time dependence is modeled by DeepGLO neural network. This algorithm captures spatiotemporal characteristics at the same time and establishes the traffic flow prediction model,and the traffic flow anomaly is judged by the anomaly score. The model is proved to be effective and superior by using the real traffic flow data.
Keywords:traffic flow;anomaly detection;deep neural network;graph convolutional network;spatiotemporal characteristics
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