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视频剪辑软件 Premiere 在电视台剪辑工作中的应用
(宁波电视台,浙江 宁波 315012)

摘  要:时下,Premiere 软件在电视台的剪辑工作中运用广泛,为了熟练掌握软件,充分发挥其剪辑优势,文章将从字幕制作,虚拟剪辑、过渡特效和过滤特技这几个方面探讨视频编辑软件 Premiere 的应用技巧。这样,在使用软件过程中遇到的问题将会减少,其表现出来的综合应用价值会更加的突出。文章对视频编辑软件 Premiere 的应用技巧做分析,旨在指导实践工作。

关键词:视频编辑;Premiere 软件;剪辑


中图分类号:TP319                                     文献标识码:A                                    文章编号:2096-4706(2021)03-0075-04

Application of Video Editing Software Premiere in TV Station Editing


(Ningbo TV Station,Ningbo 315012,China)

Abstract:Nowadays,Premiere software is widely used in TV station editing. In order to master the software and give full play to its editing advantages,this paper discusses the application skills of video editing software Premiere from the aspects of subtitle production,virtual editing,transition effects and filtering special effects. In this way,the problems encountered in the process of using the software will be less,and its comprehensive application value will be more prominent. This paper analyzes the application skills of video editing software Premiere in order to guide practical work.

Keywords:video editing;Premiere software;edit


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作者简介:陈波迪(1991.05—),女,汉族,浙江宁波人, 四级剪辑,本科,研究方向:视频剪辑,特效制作。