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基于 Grpc 的分布式远程过程调用框架设计与开发
(中国船舶集团第七〇八研究所,上海 200001)

摘  要:远程过程调用模块是微服务下的核心组件,针对目前主流远程过程调用框架在传输效率或服务治理方面的不足,对 Grpc 进行了研究,并针对目前常见的微服务化应用系统的特点对 Grpc 进行封装,改进了 Grpc 不支持服务治理以及依赖于Proto 文件的缺陷,实现了一套支持服务治理、负载均衡、可拓展性强的远程过程调用框架。通过接口、功能的测试,确保了框架在实际应用场景中的可用性。



中图分类号:TP311                                   文献标识码:A                                     文章编号:2096-4706(2021)04-0088-05

Design and Development of Distributed Remote Procedure Call Framework Based on Grpc

ZHAO Yuhao

(The 708th Research Institute of China State Shipbuilding Corporation,Shanghai 200001,China)

Abstract:The remote procedure call module is the core component of micro-service. Aimming at the deficiencies of the current mainstream remote procedure call framework in transmission efficiency or service governance,Grpc has been researched,and based on the characteristics of the current common micro-service application systems,Grpc is encapsulated to improve Grpc’s shortcomings for no support for service governance and its reliance on Proto files,and implement a set of remote procedure call frameworks that support service governance,load balancing,and with strong scalability. Through the testing of interfaces and functions,the feasibility of the framework in actual application scenarios is ensured.

Keywords:Grpc;remote procedure call;micro-service;cluster


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作者简介:赵瑜颢(1998—),男,汉族,上海人,本科,研 究方向:信息管理与信息系统、计算机网络、软件工程。